08/23/2020 / Last updated : 08/23/2020 wpmaster 未分類 BE-NIHONGO JUKU K.F san online lesson 6th lesson is also verb, add new verb to previous one, able to speak more. The additional verbs are K.F san could use daily.
08/22/2020 / Last updated : 08/22/2020 wpmaster 未分類 BE-NIHONGO JUKU K.F san online lesson 5th lesson, practice verb. There are a lot of post positional particle in Japanese, it’s very important. If use wrong post positional particle, Japanese does not understand. K.F san checks the meaning of each of them and practice verbally.
08/18/2020 / Last updated : 08/18/2020 wpmaster 未分類 BE-NIHONGO JUKU K.F san online lesson 4th lesson, practiced some expressions using transportation as theme. K.F san usually ride the car, but also memorized the expressions of other transportation, should be no problem to use other transportation when visit Japan.
08/17/2020 / Last updated : 08/17/2020 wpmaster 未分類 BE-NIHONGO JUKU K.F san online lesson The third time K.F san learned adjectives. Adjective is little bit difficult because there are past and negative forms. Does not have enough practice within one hour lesson. I hope K.F san practice again after lesson.
08/16/2020 / Last updated : 08/16/2020 wpmaster 未分類 BE-NIHONGO JUKU K.F san online lesson Memorized noun on second lesson, use it to ask the questions and answer, What is this ? How is it? etc. Able to have conversation, K.F san looks happy. 2