10/14/2021 / Last updated : 10/14/2021 wpmaster Online Private Lessons BE NIHONGOJYUKU Introducing Online Private Lesson records E-san supposed to arrive at Japan on Aug but due to Corona it was postponed. Practice conversation once a week that E-san does not forget Japanese.
10/13/2021 / Last updated : 10/13/2021 wpmaster Online Private Lessons BE NIHONGOJYUKU Introducing Online Private Lesson records R-san is not familiar with Kanji. It’s kind of hard to learn Kanji. We teach how to memorize and self-study, in the private lesson, we think together of meaning of Kanji which R-san see in the town each time.
10/12/2021 / Last updated : 10/12/2021 wpmaster Online Private Lessons BE NIHONGOJYUKU Introducing Online Private Lesson records C-san arrived in Japan on January, He speaks English in the company which he works but he would like to speak with Japanese colleagues, so he is taking Japanese conversation class.