05/02/2023 / Last updated : 05/02/2023 wpmaster Japanese Lesson BE NIHONGOJYUKU Introducing Online Private Lesson records K-san is aiming to be a certified care worker in Japan. Studying difficult Kanji for the national exam. Having a hard time to understand the question in Japanese, but doing K-san’s best.
04/21/2023 / Last updated : 04/21/2023 wpmaster Japanese Lesson BE NIHONGOJYUKU Introducing Online Private Lesson records N-san is planing to take JLPTN2 on Dec, both grammar and Kanji is ok, but problem with vocabulary. In private lesson, practice to memorizing and using vocabulary by sound.
04/18/2023 / Last updated : 04/18/2023 wpmaster Japanese Lesson BE NIHONGOJYUKU Introducing Online Private Lesson records S-san schedule to come to Japan in Dec this year. S-san been able to talk a lot in two months since he started to take the lesson. Amazing, right?
04/12/2023 / Last updated : 04/12/2023 wpmaster Japanese Lesson BE NIHONGOJYUKU Introducing Online Private Lesson records E-san supposed to arrive at Japan on Aug but due to Corona it was postponed. Practice conversation once a week that E-san does not forget Japanese.
04/06/2023 / Last updated : 04/06/2023 wpmaster Japanese Lesson BE NIHONGOJYUKU Introducing Online Private Lesson records R-san is not familiar with Kanji. It’s kind of hard to learn Kanji. We teach how to memorize and self-study, in the private lesson, we think together of meaning of Kanji which R-san see in the town each time.